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A place where I can write down notes and how I fell thourgh out the day

Book list

Book to read (- The Self Confidence Workbook -)

April 13, 2022

I chose this book to work on my self confidence and to eliminate my self doubt. I still have fear that I might not have what it takes to turly chase my goals. This is the first step I'm taking for major changes to live the life I want. I'm excited to learn more from this book.

(- The Self Confidence Workbook -) Chapter 1

April 14, 2022

I learned that being confident is the step we take to reach that end goal. By being afraid to move forward, we won't be able to achieve that goal. This stood out to me, as when I'm unconfident, I'm afraid to take action. Knowing this, I should be able to take action to pursue my goals, as without my goals, life would be boring. No matter how nervous I get, I will always take action because the feeling of accomplishment is the greatest feeling ever.

Three facts that I should always remember

What could you say to yourself next time to be more self-compassionate?

I accept my flaws and know, no matter how hard something is, I can overcome it.



I haven't read the book in two days due to a lot going on. This is a quick reminder to let myself know that it's ok to go off rail for a bit. But I must continue reading back tomorrow.